CRREM has coordinated and edited an Spacial Issue about Real Estate and Decarbonization.
Guest Editors: Sven Bienert, Stanley McGreal, Paloma Taltavull
Guest editorial
Sven Bienert, Stanley McGreal, Paloma Taltavull
Carbon risk real estate monitor: making decarbonisation in the real estate sector measurable
Maximilian M. Spanner, Julia Wein
The value effects of green retrofits
Dirk Brounen, Alexander Michael Groh, Martin Haran
Advancing capacity to adapt to climate change: addressing information needs in the Australian property industry
Georgia Warren-Myers, Anna Hurlimann, Judy Bush
The impact of renewable on-site energy production on property values
Niina Leskinen, Jussi Vimpari, Seppo Junnila
Automatic energy demand assessment in low-carbon investments: a neural network approach for building portfolios
Laura Gabrielli, Aurora Greta Ruggeri, Massimiliano Scarpa
Decarbonising real estate: The evolving relationship between energy efficiency and housing in Europe
Sara Jane Wilkinson, Sarah Sayce
Energy performance certificates and house prices: a quantile regression approach
Michael McCord, Martin Haran, Peadar Davis, John McCord
Courts’ views on climate change inundation risks for developments: Australian perspectives and considerations for valuers
Lucy Cradduck, Georgia Warren-Myers, Bianca Stringer
The future of sustainable real estate investments in a post-COVID-19 world
John Pike