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CRREM in Internews (Italy)

The Italian digital newspaper has posted an article about the first CRREM report ‘Stranding Risk & Carbon’. Find the link below: EU : CRREM (‘Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor’) lancia uno Studio per dimostrare come «the European commercial real estate industry needs to decarbonise

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CRREM in Posibl

The multimedia company Posible has published an article about CRREM and the environmental challenges of the real estate sector. See the link below: Posibl – Europa: Los edificios comerciales tendrán que bajar emisiones más de un 80%

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CRREM in Comunidad ISM

The digital media about the environment and climate change, Comunidad ISM, has published an article talking about the contribution of CRREM to the challenges of the real estate sector. Here you can find the link: Comunidad ISM – Los edificios comerciales europeos tendrán que bajar emisiones más de un 80 %

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