CRREM in La Vanguardia

The Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia has posted an article talking about CRREM and its first report ‘Stranding Risk and Carbon’. Here you can find the link: La Vanguardia – Por qué nuestros edificios van 14 años tarde  

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CRREM Press Release 29.03

CRREM project has published a press release of the first report. The press release presents the firsts findings and the research process, that are based on the previous definition of the science-based carbon reduction pathways and targets. CRREM Press Release 29.03.19

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GRESB’s Press Release

Our partner GRESB has published a press release on their website, presenting the CRREM project and its contribution to their users. This project will establish the science-based carbon reduction pathways, that will help to reach the 1,5ºC objective, fixed by the latest IPPC report. Read more in GRESB’s Press Release   or download the document […]

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Stranded Asset Vastgoedrisico

Het TIAS VastgoedLAB is deze maand begonnen met een ambitieus onderzoeksproject – de Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM). Samen met vijf Europese partnerinstellingen, gaan wij toekomstige Europese en Nederlandse wetgeving met betrekking tot duurzaamheidseisen vertalen in concrete actieplannen. Dit project wordt gefinancierd door de Europese Unie als zogenaamd Horizon2020 project, waarmee belangrijk beleid door […]

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University of Alicante takes part in H2020 project to reduce carbon emissions in real estate sector

The Alicante City University Venue has hosted the first working meeting of a consortium comprising partners from countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Alicante. Friday 16 March 2018 The building and real estate sectors are largely responsible for polluting the planet. In this sense, decarbonising the economy is one of the […]

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