CRREM at the EnerTIC Forum

The Prof. Paloma Taltavull, as a member of the University of Alicante and CRREM, has visited the Forum of Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in the 4.0 Industry organized by the Platform EnerTIC. The meeting took place in Madrid the 6th June. During this event, the most important companies related to consulting, digitalization and energy have […]

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IETA Annual GHG Market Sentiment Survey 2019

The ‘GHG Market Sentiment Survey 2019’ made by the members of the International Emissions Trade Association (IETA), has asked several participants of the trade emissions market, about their expectations regarding the emissions level and their prices. Most of the surveyed answered that they expect an increase in the emissions prices, but they think this will […]

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CRREM in the Immobilienzeitung

The German newspaper Immobilienzeitung, focused on the real estate sector news, has published an article about CRREM in their digital and print editions (18.04.2019, No. 16/2019). Here you can find the link to the On-line version: Immobilienzeitung – Nur CO₂-arme Gebäude stranden nicht      

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CRREM in El Periódico de la Energía

The Spanish digital newspaper El Periódico de la Energía has published an article talking about CRREM and its contribution to the decarbonization challenge. Here you can find the article: El Periódico de la Energía – El desafío de los edificios comerciales para cumplir con el Acuerdo de París  

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CRREM in El Confidencial

The Spanish newspaper El Confidencial has posted an article about CRREM and its first report ‘Stranding Risk & Carbon’. See the link below: El Confidencial – El desafío de los edificios comerciales para cumplir con el Acuerdo de Paris  

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CRREM in El Obrero

The Spanish newspaper El Obrero has published a post talking about CRREM and their findings. See the link below: El Obrero – El desafío de los edificios comerciales para cumplir con el Acuerdo de París

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CRREM in Ambientum

An article about CRREM and their findings has been published in the digital newspaper Ambientum, focused on climate change and environmental topics. Find the link below: Ambientum – El sector inmobiliario comercial debe reducir sus emisiones

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